Monday, August 30, 2010

Tomato Identification Guide

In case you were wondering what kind of tomatoes you’ve been eating, check out the photo below.

Back row: Wisconsin 55, Black Prince, Brandywine. Front row: Amish Paste (big), Amish Paste (little), Yellow Peach, Sungold, Black Cherry, Red Cherry.

A bit more info on the tomatoes:

Yellow Peach: has a fuzzy skin kinda like a peach. They will keep longer than most other tomatoes. Yellow tomatoes have lower acidity levels than red tomatoes so they have less of a “bite”.

Brandywine: these pink guys are an old heirloom variety famous for their flavor. They also tend to catface which means the fruits get goofy weird-looking creases in them.

Black Prince and Black Cherry: these two are my favorites. They are of the black tomato persuasion which means they have purple skins and rich, delicious flavor.

Sungolds: are orange cherry tomatoes that are generally described as sweeter than red cherry tomatoes.

Wisconsin 55 and Red Cherry: Your standard red tomatoes.

Amish Paste: These are very similar to Romas. For some reason, mine seem to either be rather small or really quite large so I put two examples in the photo.

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